Top cofit genes for mRNA_2601 from Rhodosporidium toruloides IFO0880

10969: Hypothetical Protein

Rank Hit Name Description Conserved? Cofitness  
1 mRNA_1068 9436 Hypothetical Protein no 0.80
2 mRNA_5533 13901 Hypothetical Protein no 0.76
3 mRNA_4799 13167 K05676 ABCD2, ALDL1 ATP-binding cassette, subfamily D (ALD), member 2 no 0.74
4 mRNA_404 8772 HMMPfam-PB1 domain-PF00564,HMMPfam-Zinc finger, ZZ type-PF00569,ProSitePatterns-Zinc finger ZZ-type signature.-PS01357,ProSiteProfiles-Zinc finger ZZ-type profile.-PS50135,SMART-Zinc-binding domain, present in Dystrophin, CREB-binding protein.-SM00291,SUPERFAMILY--SSF54277,SUPERFAMILY--SSF57850 no 0.74
5 mRNA_5426 13794 K06944 K06944 uncharacterized protein no 0.72
6 mRNA_2858 11226 HMMPfam-Translocon-associated protein (TRAP), alpha subunit-PF03896 no 0.72
7 mRNA_8210 16578 BLAST WetA [Penicillium camemberti] no 0.71
8 mRNA_7902 16270 K13348 MPV17 protein Mpv17 no 0.68
9 mRNA_5118 13486 K05349 bglX beta-glucosidase no 0.68
10 mRNA_3080 11448 HMMPfam-Ferritin-like domain-PF13668,SUPERFAMILY--SSF47240 no 0.68
11 mRNA_4524 12892 Hypothetical Protein no 0.67
12 mRNA_3523 11891 K08064 NFYA nuclear transcription factor Y, alpha no 0.66
13 mRNA_6084 14452 SUPERFAMILY--SSF54427 no 0.66
14 mRNA_5191 13559 KOG4826 C-8,7 sterol isomerase no 0.65
15 mRNA_99 8467 HMMPfam-Fungal cellulose binding domain-PF00734,HMMPfam-GlcNAc-PI de-N-acetylase-PF02585,ProSitePatterns-CBM1 (carbohydrate binding type-1) domain signature.-PS00562,ProSiteProfiles-Coagulation factors 5/8 type C domain (FA58C) profile.-PS50022,ProSiteProfiles-CBM1 (carbohydrate binding type-1) domain profile.-PS51164,SMART-Fungal-type cellulose-binding domain-SM00236,SUPERFAMILY--SSF102588,SUPERFAMILY--SSF49785,SUPERFAMILY--SSF57180 no 0.65
16 mRNA_3511 11879 K10875 RAD54L, RAD54 DNA repair and recombination protein RAD54 and RAD54-like protein no 0.65
17 mRNA_5520 13888 KOG0297 TNF receptor-associated factor no 0.65
18 mRNA_2978 11346 HMMPfam-Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferase-PF03407 no 0.65
19 mRNA_3768 12136 HMMPfam-Protein of unknown function (DUF1275)-PF06912 no 0.64
20 mRNA_5969 14337 Hypothetical Protein no 0.64