Conservation of cofitness between mRNA_7681 and mRNA_732 in Rhodosporidium toruloides IFO0880

0 genomes with putative orthologs of both genes

Organism Ratio1 Gene1 Name1 Description1 Ratio2 Gene2 Name2 Description2 Cofit Rank
Rhodosporidium toruloides IFO0880 1.0 mRNA_7681 16049 Hypothetical Protein 1.0 mRNA_732 9100 HMMPfam-Dioxygenase-PF00775,HMMPfam-Catechol dioxygenase N terminus-PF04444,SUPERFAMILY--SSF49482 0.58 15

Not shown: 0 genomes with orthologs for mRNA_7681 only; 0 genomes with orthologs for mRNA_732 only