Experiment setAFACS_Bot for Rhodosporidium toruloides IFO0880
Sorted Low BODIPY Gate
Quality Metrics:
Time0 | 1/1/16 setA | which Time0s the sample was compared to |
cor12 | 0.12 | rank correlation(fit1, fit2), where fit1 is fitness for the first half (10-50%) and fit2 is fitness for the second half (50-90%) of each gene |
maxFit | 6.23 | The maximum fitness value |
opcor | 0.05 | rank correlation(upstream gene, downstream gene) over pairs that are adjacent and likely to be in the same operon |
adjcor | 0.03 | like opcor but for adjacent genes that are not on the same strand |
gccor | -0.02 | linear correlation of gene fitness and gene GC content |
mad12 | 0.53 | median absolute difference of fit1, fit2 |
mad12c | 1.10 | median absolute difference of log count for 1st and 2nd half of genes in this sample |
mad12c_t0 | 1.01 | like mad12c but for the Time0s |
gMed | 172 | median reads per gene in this sample |
gMedt0 | 164 | median reads per gene in the Time0 sample |
gMean | 304 | mean reads per gene in this sample |
nMapped | 16.631 M | #reads for this sample that corresponded to a known strain (in millions) |
nPastEnd | 0.000 M | #reads that corresponded to a strain that has an insertion within the suicide vector instead of within the genome. |
nGenic | 6.352 M | #reads that lie within central 10-90% of a gene |
nUsed | 6.215 M | #reads used to estimate gene fitness (genic and enough coverage for strain and for gene) |
Specific Phenotypes
None in this experiment
For Rhodosporidium toruloides IFO0880 in facs on lipid accumulation experiments